FPPC Hearing Summary, May 21, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            

May 21, 2020


Jay Wierenga, FPPC

(916) 322-7761      

.pdf version of hearing summary                                      

Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov

Roll: Chair Miadich and Commissioners Cardenas, Hatch, Hayward, and Wilson were in attendance.

Item 2: Minutes from April 2020 Commission Hearing. Approved 4-0.

Item 3, 5-12: Enforcement Actions. Approved 5-0.

Item 4: Enforcement Action. Approved 4-0.

Item 13: Prenotice Discussion of Proposed Update of Commission Regulations Due to the Enactment of AB 902 and AB 903. Discussion Item.

Item 14. Update on Digital Transparency Task Force.

Item 15. Legislative Development. Motion to change position on SB 423 from sponsor to no position.

Item 16. Committee Updates. Chair Miadich gave an update on the Law and Policy Committee meeting and Budget and Staffing Committee meeting.

Item 17. FY 2019-2020 Third Quarter Expenditure Report. Accepted as submitted.

Item 18: Advice Letter Report and Commission Review. Accepted as submitted.

Item 19. Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted.

Item 20. Closed Session. Administrative Adjudication. Chair Miadich reported out of closed session that the Commission voted to accept the ALJ proposed decision with minor clarifying and technical amendments.

Item 21. Closed Session. Personnel Matter. Chair Miadich reported out of closed session that at the April 2020 meeting, the Commission voted to authorize the termination of TJ Jones as the Executive Director of the agency.

Item 22: Commissioner Comments and Proposed Future Agenda Items. 
