September 2015 Agenda
Commission Meeting
California Fair Political Practices Commission
428 J Street, Suite 800
Sacramento, CA 95814
Thursday, September 17, 2015
10:00 A.M.
Under Government Code section 11123(a), all meetings of a state body are open and public, and all persons are permitted to attend any meeting of a state body, except as otherwise provided in that article. The section further states that the portion of the teleconferenced meeting that is required to be open to the public must be audible to the public at the location specified in the notice of the meeting. The Commission may take action on any item listed on this agenda.
Jodi Remke, FPPC Chair
1. Public Comment
This portion of the meeting is reserved for comment on items not on the agenda. Under the Bagley-Keene Act, the Commission cannot act on items raised during public comment, but may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed; request clarification; or refer the item to staff.
2. Approval of August 2015 Commission Hearing Minutes
3 – 49 Enforcement - Consent Calendar
Campaign Reporting
3. In the Matter of Gary Kreep and Citizens to Elect Gary Kreep to the Superior Court 2012; FPPC No. 14/850. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Dave Bainbridge. Gary Kreep was a successful candidate for County of San Diego Superior Court Judge in the June 5, 2012 Primary Election. Citizens to Elect Gary Kreep to the Superior Court 2012 was his candidate controlled committee. Kreep made campaign expenditures from his personal bank account rather than the bank account of his candidate controlled committee, in violation of Government Code Section 85201, subdivision (e) (1 count). Kreep and his candidate controlled committee also failed to timely disclose on two campaign statements accrued expenses totaling $8,835, in violation of Government Code Section 84211, subdivision (k) (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $6,000.
4. In the Matter of James Gore, James Gore for Supervisor 2014, and Rebecca Olson; FPPC No. 14/609. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Neal Bucknell and Special Investigator Jay Martin. James Gore was a successful candidate for Sonoma County Supervisor in the November 4, 2014 General Election. James Gore for Supervisor 2014 was his candidate controlled committee and Rebecca Olson was the committee treasurer. Gore, James Gore for Supervisor 2014, and Olson failed to timely report a consultant fee totaling $15,000 as an accrued expense on campaign statements filed for the reporting periods leading up to the 2014 Primary Election, and they failed to timely report a second consultant fee for the same amount as an accrued expense on the campaign statement filed for the reporting period ending June 30, 2014, in violation of Government Code Section 84211, subdivisions (b), (i), and (k), and Regulation 18421.6 (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $2,000.
5. In the Matter of Jennifer Lane for Folsom City Council 2014, Jennifer Lane, Rose Benevento; FPPC No. 15/098. Staff: Political Reform Consultant Jeanette E. Turvill. Jennifer Lane was an unsuccessful candidate for Folsom City Council in the November 4, 2014 General Election. Jennifer Lane for Folsom City Council 2014 was her candidate controlled committee and Rose Benevento was the committee treasurer. Lane, Jennifer Lane for Folsom City Council 2014, and Benevento failed to timely itemize expenditures on a preelection campaign statement covering the period October 1, 2014 through October 8, 2014 and a semiannual campaign statement covering the period October 19, 2014 through December 31, 2014, in violation of Government Code Section 84211 (2 counts). Total Proposed Penalty: $444.
Robocall Disclosure
6. In the Matter of Ruben Valencia, Valencia 4 City Council 2014, and Kathleen Christiansen; FPPC No. 14/1234. Staff: Commission Counsel Zachary W. Norton and Special Investigator Kelli Gould. Ruben Valencia was an unsuccessful candidate for Ontario City Council in the November 4, 2014 General Election. Valencia 4 City Council 2014 was his candidate controlled committee and Kathleen Christiansen was the committee treasurer. Valencia, Valencia 4 City Council 2014, and Christiansen authorized and paid for approximately 6,000 telephone calls on six separate occasions that were similar in nature, made by an individual, or individuals, or by electronic means, that advocated support of a candidate, and did not, during the course of each call, disclose the name of the organization that authorized or paid for the call, in violation of Government Code Section 84310, subdivision (a) (1 count); failed to timely file 24 hour contribution reports in connection with late contributions received prior to the 2014 General Election, in violation of Government Code Section 84203, subdivisions (a) and (b) (1 count); and failed to disclose on campaign statements occupation and employer information for approximately 50 individual contributors, in violation of Government Code Section 84211, subdivision (f) (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $4,500.
7. In the Matter of Annie Campbell Washington, Annie Campbell Washington for Oakland City Council 2014, and Jessica Leavitt; FPPC No. 14/1253. Staff: Commission Counsel Milad Dalju and Special Investigator Kelli Gould. Annie Campbell Washington was a successful candidate for Oakland City Council in the November 4, 2014 General Election. Annie Campbell Washington for Oakland City Council 2014 was her candidate controlled committee and Jessica Leavitt was the committee treasurer. Washington and Annie Campbell Washington for Oakland City Council 2014 authorized and paid for 358 and 656 telephone calls that were similar in nature, made by an individual, or individuals, or by electronic means, that advocated support of a candidate, and did not, during the course of each call, disclose the name of the organization that authorized or paid for the call, in violation of Government Code Section 84310, subdivision (a) (1 count). Washington, Annie Campbell Washington for Oakland City Council 2014, and Leavitt failed to report five expenditures made during the July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014 reporting period and four expenditures made during the October 1, 2014 through October 18, 2014 reporting period, in violation of Government Code Section 84211, subdivision (k) (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty:$3,500.
8. In the Matter of International Association of Firefighter Local 55 Political Action, Sponsored by: Int’l Assoc. of Firefighter Local 55; FPPC No. 14/1255. Staff: Commission Counsel Milad Dalju and Special Investigator Kelli Gould. International Association of Firefighter Local 55 Political Action, Sponsored by: Int’l Assoc. of Firefighter Local 55, a sponsored city general purpose committee, authorized and paid for 10,879 telephone calls that were similar in nature, made by an individual, or individuals, or by electronic means, that advocated support of a candidate, and did not, during the course of each call, disclose the name of the organization that authorized or paid for the call, in violation of Government Code Section 84310, subdivision (a) (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $2,000.
International Association of Firefighter Local 55 - Stip
9. In the Matter of Oakland Police Officer’s Association – Political Action Committee; FPPC No. 14/1256. Staff: Commission Counsel Milad Dalju and Special Investigator Kelli Gould. Oakland Police Officer’s Association – Political Action Committee, a sponsored city general purpose committee, authorized and paid for 10,191 telephone calls that were similar in nature, made by an individual, or individuals, or by electronic means, that advocated support of a candidate, and did not, during the course of each call, disclose the name of the organization that authorized or paid for the call, in violation of Government Code Section 84310, subdivision (a) (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $2,000.
Oakland Police Officer's Association PAC - Stip
Campaign Non-Filer
10. In the Matter of San Diego County Young Democrats; FPPC No. 15/055. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Dave Bainbridge and Law Clerk Preeti Grewal. San Diego County Young Democrats is a state general purpose committee. San Diego County Young Democrats failed to timely file four semiannual campaign statements covering the period January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014, in violation of Government Code Section 84200. Total Proposed Penalty: $1,115.
San Diego County Young Democrats - Stip
11. In the Matter of North Valley Labor Federation Committee on Political Education; FPPC No. 14/1369. Staff: Staff Services Analyst Garrett F. Micheels. North Valley Labor Federation Committee on Political Education (“North Valley Labor Federation”) is a state general purpose committee. North Valley Labor Federation failed to timely file three semiannual campaign statements and one preelection campaign statement covering the period July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014, in violation of Government Code Sections 84200 and 84200.5 (4 counts). Total Proposed Penalty: $1,007.
North Valley Labor Federation - Stip
12. In the Matter of Wendy McCammack, Friends of Wendy McCammack for San Bernardino City Council 7th Ward 2015, and Marvin Reiter; FPPC No. 15/195. Staff: Political Reform Consultant Adrianne Korchmaros and Intern Joshua O’Brien. Wendy McCammack was an unsuccessful candidate for Mayor of San Bernardino in the February 4, 2014 Municipal Election. Friends of Wendy McCammack for San Bernardino City Council 7th Ward 2015 is her candidate controlled committee and Marvin Reiter is the committee treasurer. McCammack, Friends of Wendy McCammack for San Bernardino City Council 7th Ward 2015, and Reiter failed to timely file three semiannual campaign statements and one preelection campaign statement covering the period October 20, 2013 through December 31, 2014, in violation of Government Code Sections 84200 and 84200.5 (4 counts). Total Proposed Penalty: $841.
13. In the Matter of Jose Castañeda and Friends to Elect Jose Castañeda for City Council District 1 2012; FPPC No. 15/526. Staff: Political Reform Consultant Adrianne Korchmaros and Intern Joshua O’Brien. Jose Castañeda was a successful candidate for Salinas City Council in the November 6, 2012 General Election. Friends to Elect Jose Castañeda for City Council District 1 2012 is his candidate controlled committee. Castañeda and Friends to Elect Jose Castañeda for City Council District 1 2012 failed to timely file two semiannual campaign statements covering the period January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 and Castañeda failed to timely file his 2014 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Sections 84200 and 87203 (3 counts). Total Proposed Penalty: $600.
14. In the Matter of Citizens of Calexico for a Transparent Government; FPPC No. 15/111. Staff: Commission Counsel Zachary W. Norton and Political Reform Consultant Jeanette Turvill. Citizens of Calexico for a Transparent Government was a primarily formed committee that unsuccessfully attempted to place a recall measure for two Calexico City Council members on the ballot. Citizens of Calexico for a Transparent Government failed to timely file two quarterly campaign statements covering the period January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014, in violation of Government Code Section 84202.3 (2 counts). Total Proposed Penalty: $423.
15. In the Matter of Stacy Carlson, Stacy Carlson 4 San Marcos Unified School District Trustee 2014, and Daniel Finkenthal; FPPC No. 15/018. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Dave Bainbridge and Law Clerk Preeti Grewal. Stacy Carlson was a successful candidate for San Marcos Unified School District Trustee. Stacy Carlson 4 San Marcos Unified School District Trustee 2014 was her candidate controlled committee and Daniel Finkenthal was the committee treasurer. Carlson, Stacy Carlson 4 San Marcos Unified School District Trustee 2014, and Finkenthal failed to timely file a preelection campaign statement covering the period October 1, 2014 through October 18, 2014, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $298.
16. In the Matter of Henry Brown, Committee to Elect Henry C. Brown Inglewood School Board 2015, and Benice Brown; FPPC No. 14/1257. Staff: Political Reform Consultant Tara Stock. Henry Brown was an unsuccessful candidate for Inglewood Unified School District #5 in the April 7, 2015 General Election. Committee to Elect Henry C. Brown Inglewood School Board 2015 was his candidate controlled committee and Benice Brown was the committee treasurer. Henry Brown, Committee to Elect Henry C. Brown Inglewood School Board 2015, and Benice Brown failed to timely file a preelection campaign statement covering the period January 1, 2015 through March 21, 2015, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $226.50.
Lobbying Reporting
17. In the Matter of SKS Investments, LLC; FPPC No. 15/305. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Dave Bainbridge. SKS Investments, LLC is a California lobbyist employer. SKS Investments, LLC failed to timely file three reports of lobbyist employer (Form 635) covering the period April 4, 2014 through December 31, 2014, in violation of Government Code Section 86116 (3 counts). Total Proposed Penalty $600.
Statement of Economic Interests – Non-Reporter
18. In the Matter of Terry Schultz; FPPC No. 14/1278. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Dave Bainbridge and Law Clerk Albert DiRocco. Terry Schultz, as the Purchasing Supervisor of the Merced Union High School District, failed to disclose a gift of NASCAR tickets from Office Depot on his 2011 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 and 87302 (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $100.
19. In the Matter of Kevin Kearney; FPPC No. 15/243. Staff: Political Reform Consultant Jeanette E. Turvill. Kevin Kearney, as the City of Alameda Auditor, failed to disclose an investment in Pacific Fins Food on his 2011 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87206 (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $100.
Statement of Economic Interests – Non-Filer
20. In the Matter of Brent Johnson; FPPC File No. 15/823. Staff: Political Reform Consultant Jeanette Turvill. Brent Johnson, as a member of the Inverness Public Utility District, failed to timely file his 2014 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
21. In the Matter of Curtis Taylor; FPPC No. 15/1286. Staff: Political Reform Consultant Teri Rindahl. Curtis Taylor, as a Director with the Fresno County Kings River Water District, failed to timely file his 2014 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
$50 Annual Fee Cases
22. In the Matter of Inland Counties Stonewall Democrats; FPPC No. 15/663. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Bridgette Castillo. Inland Counties Stonewall Democrats failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
Inland Counties Stonewall Democrats - Stip
23. In the Matter of Armenian National Committee Political Action Committee ANCPAC; FPPC No. 15/403. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Bridgette Castillo. Armenian National Committee Political Action Committee ANCPAC failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
Armenian National Committee PAC - Stip
24. In the Matter of Friends of Phil Anthony; FPPC No. 15/398. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Bridgette Castillo. Friends of Phil Anthony failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
25. In the Matter of John Fasana for City Council 2011; FPPC No. 15/566. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Bridgette Castillo. John Fasana for City Council 2011 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
26. In the Matter of Domitila Aguilar for Lynwood City Council 2013; FPPC No. 15/386. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Bridgette Castillo. Domitila Aguilar for Lynwood City Council 2013 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
27. In the Matterof Humane Society Legislative Fund; FPPC No. 15/658. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Bridgette Castillo. Humane Society Legislative Fund failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
Humane Society Legislative Fund - Stip
28. In the Matter of Clovis Fire Fighters Association; FPPC No. 15/519. Staff: Senior Commission Counsel Bridgette Castillo. Clovis Fire Fighters Association failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
29. In the Matter of the Jim Dexter for Baldwin Park City Council 2011; FPPC No. 15/760. Staff: Commission Counsel Michael W. Hamilton. Jim Dexter for Baldwin Park City Council 2011 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
30. In the Matter of Campaign to Elect Maria G. Lopez 2011; FPPC No. 15/812. Staff: Commission Counsel Michael W. Hamilton. Campaign to Elect Maria G. Lopez 2011 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
31. In the Matter of Friends of Ian Jones for School Board 2011; FPPC No. 15/686. Staff: Commission Counsel Michael W. Hamilton. Friends of Ian Jones for School Board 2011 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
32. In the Matter of Robert Cuthbert for Lompoc City Council 2012; FPPC No. 15/719. Staff: Commission Counsel Michael W. Hamilton. Robert Cuthbert for Lompoc City Council 2012 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
33. In the Matter of Luis Marquez for Downey City Council 2012; FPPC No. 15/928. Staff: Commission Counsel Michael W. Hamilton. Luis Marquez Downey for City Council 2012 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
34. In the Matter of Uhler for Supervisor 2012; FPPC No. 15/1075. Staff: Commission Counsel Michael W. Hamilton. Uhler for Supervisor 2012 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
35. In the Matter of Democratic Activist for Women Now; FPPC No. 15/755. Staff: Commission Counsel Michael W. Hamilton. Democratic Activist for Women Now failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
Democratic Activist for Women Now - Stip
36. In the Matter of Mortensen for Newhall County Water District 2011; FPPC No. 15/883. Staff: Commission Counsel Michael W. Hamilton. Mortensen for Newhall County Water District 2011 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
37. In the Matter of the Friends of Dugan for Placer County Water Agency 2012; FPPC No. 15/773. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Friends of Dugan for Placer County Water Agency 2012 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
38. In the Matter of Friends of Esther Sanchez for Oceanside City Council 2012; FPPC No. 15/1002. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Friends of Esther Sanchez for Oceanside City Council 2012 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
39. In the Matter of Meadows for Ironhorse Director 2012; FPPC No. 15/859. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Meadows for Ironhorse Director 2012 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
40. In the Matter of Re-Elect Gregory Martinez for City Council 2011; FPPC No. 15/838. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Re-Elect Gregory Martinez for City Council 2011 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
41. In the Matter of Re-Elect Jack Tanaka for City Council 2011; FPPC No. 15/1054. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Re-Elect Jack Tanaka for City Council 2011 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
42. In the Matter Webb for City Attorney 2013; FPPC No. 15/1105. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Webb for City Attorney 2013 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
43. In the Matter Jack Duran for Supervisor 2014; FPPC No. 15/777. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Jack Duran for Supervisor 2014 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
44. In the Matter Amy Shuklian for Visalia City Council 2011; FPPC No. 15/1026. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Amy Shuklian for Visalia City Council 2011 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
45. In the Matter Voigts for Lake Forrest City Council 2014; FPPC No. 15/1096. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Voigts for Lake Forrest City Council 2014 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
46. In the Matter of United Valley Business PAC; FPPC No. 15/1078. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. United Valley Business PAC failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
United Valley Business PAC - Stip
47. In the Matter of Visalia Firefighters Association PAC; FPPC No. 15/1095. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Visalia Firefighters Association PAC failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
Visalia Firefighters Association PAC - Stip
48. In the Matter of Karen Osmundson for School Board 2012; FPPC No. 15/922. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Karen Osmundson for School Board 2012 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
49. In the Matter of Frank Lopez for City Council 2014; FPPC No. 15/813. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton. Frank Lopez for City Council 2014 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office, in violation of Government Code Section 84101.5. Total Proposed Penalty: $200.
50-51 General Items
50. Amend Regulation 18422: Multipurpose Organization Political Activity Transparency; Repeal Regulation 18413 Reporting Independent Expenditures by Eligible 501(c)(3)/501(c)(4) Organizations. Staff: General Counsel Hyla Wagner and Senior Commission Counsel Heather M. Rowan. Staff proposes that the Commission amend Regulation 18422 to clarify that the major donor notices and multi-layer reporting apply equally to federal PACs and out of state committees. Regulation 18413 is superseded and staff proposes its repeal.
51. Amend Regulation 18422.5 - Top Contributor Disclosure. Staff: General Counsel Hyla P. Wagner and Senior Commission Counsel Brian G. Lau. In 2014, the FPPC began posting lists of the top 10 contributors to committees primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure or to make independent expenditures on a state candidate that raises $1,000,000 or more for an election. Additionally, the Commission has the express authority under Government Code section 84223 to require these committees to also report the top contributors to any contributing recipient committee identified in their top 10 reports. This proposal implements this "expanded disclosure" requirement and will provide more accessible, easy-to-view, disclosure for the public. For example, under the proposal, if a state general purpose committee with an uninformative and generic name, such as "Good Government California," is listed as a top contributor to a ballot measure or independent expenditure committee, the two top donors to Good Government California will also be listed informing the public about the committee.
52. Executive Staff Reports
Legislative Report.
Staff: Senior Commission Counsel and Legislative Coordinator, Sukhi Brar.
September 2015 Legislative Report
Legal Division Report.
Staff: General Counsel, Hyla P. Wagner
September 2015 Legal Division Report
Enforcement Division Report.
Staff: Chief of Enforcement, Galena West
September 2015 Enforcement Report
Technical Assistance Division Report.
Staff: Chief of Technical Assistance Division, Lynda Cassady
Additional Information
You can obtain further information about the meeting by contacting the Commission Assistant, 428 J Street, Suite 620, Sacramento, CA, 95814, Tel. (916) 322-5745. Written comments on agenda items should be submitted to the Commission no later than 12:00 p.m. the day before the meeting in order to afford the Commissioners adequate time to fully consider the comments. The fax number for comment letters is (916) 322 - 6440.The agenda and related documents are posted on the FPPC website at
Materials submitted by the public regarding each agenda item will be made available at the meeting and on the website.
Members of the public may listen to the meeting by phone by calling (877) 411 - 9748; access code 723284; or watch the meeting via Webinar at meeting via YouTube.The meeting location is accessible to the disabled. Persons who, due to a disability, need assistance in order to participate in this meeting should, prior to the meeting, contact the Commission Assistant at (916) 322-5745 (voice), (916) 322 - 6440 (facsimile) or in writing. TTY/TDD and Speech-to-Speech users may dial 7-1-1 for the California Relay Service to submit comments on an agenda item or to request special accommodations for persons with disabilities. Please allow a reasonable period of time between the request and the meeting date.