FPPC Enforcement Decisions: January 21, 2016

For More Information Contact

Jay Wierenga, (916) 322-7761

.pdf version of news release

The following are enforcement decisions approved by the Fair Political Practices Commission at its regular monthly meeting held on Thursday, January 21, 2016. Decisions are listed by category and include a brief summary of each case and the total amount of any administrative fine in each case.

Additional information on each of the enforcement cases listed below can be found in the January agenda on the FPPC website at www.fppc.ca.gov. FPPC agendas are distributed and posted on the agency website at least 10 days prior to each monthly meeting.

The web version of the agenda includes links to the stipulations agreed to between the FPPC Enforcement Division and the individuals and organizations subject to the fines, or the default decisions proposed to the Commission. Exhibits in support of the stipulations and proposed default decisions are also available on the website. If you or need further assistance, please contact the FPPC communications office at (916) 322-7761 or press@fppc.ca.gov.


Permanent Ban

Marcella Faye Gallagher worked as Staff Counsel III at the California Department of Managed Healthcare, prior to accepting a position as Health Plan Regulatory Consultant IV with Kaiser Permanente in July of 2012. After termination of her state employment, for compensation, Marcella Gallagher aided, advised, consulted, or assisted Kaiser in responding to a Department of Managed Healthcare survey, the same proceeding in which she participated while a state administrative official.  $3,000 Fine.

Campaign Non-Filer

Michael Rogers was an unsuccessful candidate for County Supervisor in Nevada County in the June 5, 2012 Primary Election. Mike Rogers for Supervisor was his candidate controlled committee. Mike Rogers for Supervisor and Rogers did not file a preelection statement for the reporting period of March 18, 2012 through May 19, 2012.  $5,000 Fine.


Southern Californians for Good Government is a state general purpose committee. Denisse Rodarte is the committee treasurer. Southern Californians for Good Government and Rodarte failed to timely file a semiannual campaign statement for the reporting period of July 1 through December 31, 2013.  $223 Fine.


Myrna Valdez was an unsuccessful candidate for Oceanside School Board in 2014 in the November 4, 2014 General Election. Myrna Valdez for Oceanside School Board 2014 was her candidate controlled committee. Valdez and Myrna Valdez for Oceanside School Board 2014 failed to timely file a preelection campaign statement for the reporting period of October 1, 2014 through October 18, 2014.  $212 Fine.


John Swan was a successful candidate for Governing Board Member of the Los Altos School District in the November 4, 2014 General Election. John Swan for LASD Trustee 2014 was his candidate controlled committee and Jim Lai was the committee treasurer. Swan, John Swan for LASD Trustee 2014, and Lai failed to timely file a semiannual campaign statement for the reporting period of January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015.  $200 Fine.

Campaign Non-Reporter

Gino Kwok was a successful candidate for the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Board of Trustees in the November 3, 2015 General Election. Kwok, Su, and Gino Kwok for Hacienda La Puente Unified School Board failed to provide street addresses for contributors on a semiannual campaign statement for the reporting period of January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015.  $414 Fine.

Jim Reed was a successful candidate to the Paso Robles City Council in the November 4, 2014 General Election. Jim Reed for City Council 2014, Jim Reed, and Karen Reed failed to timely report a billboard advertising valued at $1,925 as a non-monetary contribution on a preelection campaign statement for the reporting period of July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014.  $219 Fine.

Statement of Economic Interests – Non-Filer

Katherine Walker, as a Board Member of the Board of Registered Nursing Diversion Evaluation Committee, failed to file an Assuming Office and 2014 Annual Statements of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Sections 87300 and 87302 (2 counts).  $600 Fine.

Wing Tam, as an Alternate Member of the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission, failed to timely file a 2014 Annual Statement of Economic Interests.  $300 Fine.

John Dmytriw, as a Commissioner of the California Avocado Commission, failed to timely file a 2014 Annual Statement of Economic Interests.  $300 Fine.

Alfred Holzheu, as a former Director for the Surf Development Company in Santa Barbara County, failed to timely file a 2013 Annual Statement of Economic Interests.  $200 Fine.


Statement of Economic Interests – Non-Reporter

Sheila Whitley, as a Board Member of the Atwater Elementary School District, failed to disclose a gift valued at $99.81 on her 2011 Annual Statement of Economic Interests.  $200 Fine.

Annual Fee

Petaluma Firefighters Association PAC failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $400 Fine.

Torrance Democratic Club failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $400 Fine.

West Covina Firefighters PAC failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $400 Fine.

Oakland Rainbow PAC failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $400 Fine.

Katzakian for City Council 2014 and Keith Watts failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $400 Fine.

Shannon Grove for Assembly 2012 and Shannon Grove for Assembly 2014 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $400 Fine.

Committee to Elect Michael G. Milhiser failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Committee to Elect Jenni Klose to SRCS School Board 2012 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Barstow College Faculty Association-California Teachers Association-Association for Better Citizens Political Action Committee failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

California Hearing Health Providers and Pamela K. Woudstra failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Fire P.A.C. AKA Coronado Firefighters Association PAC and Nathan Ramos failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Committee to Support Ray Mueller for Menlo Park City Council 2012 and Nathan Hodges failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

San Jose Firefighters, IAFF Local 230 Political Action Committee and Patrick Chung failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Committee to Elect Liat Meitzenheimer to City Council 2013 and David D. Cates failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Dave Cogdill, Jr. for Modesto City Council District 6 - 2011 and James Cogdill failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Steve Ngo for College Board 2012 and Steve Ngo failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Friends of Wendy McCammack for San Bernardino City Council 7th Ward-2015 and Marvin M. Reiter failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Lopez Hanson 4 School Board 2010 and Richard M. Hanson failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Committee to Elect Bill Ivey City Council 2013 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Magana for City Council 2011 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

John Nolte for City Council 2012 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Martin Bertram for City Council 2010 failed to pay the 2013 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Asher for City Council 2011 and Shirley Enomoto failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Committee to Elect Jose J. Mendoza City Council 2013 and Jose J. Mendoza failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

James Lau for Assembly 2010 and James Lau failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inc. and Deborah Alice Griffin failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

John Knight for Supervisor 2012 and Joy Knight failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Fresno Chamber Political Action Committee and Al Smith failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Friends of Doug Verboon Supervisor District 3 Kings County 2010 and Jill Verboon failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Committee to Elect Patrick Flora Truckee Town Council 2018 and Patrick Flora failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Fullerton Elementary Teachers Association Political Action Committee (FETA-PAC) and Cathy Wilson failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Helen Jaramillo for Azusa Unified School Board and Diana Williams failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

San Fernando Police Officers Association PAC and Jeffery Pak failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.

Committee to Elect Elaine Merriweather for School Board 2014 and Markela Jones failed to pay the 2014 $50 annual fee to the Secretary of State’s Office.  $200 Fine.