FPPC Enforcement Decisions, August 20, 2020
August 20, 2020
For More Information Contact:
Jay Wierenga (916) 322-7761
Additional information on each of the enforcement cases listed below can be found in the August agenda on the FPPC website at www.fppc.ca.gov. FPPC agendas are distributed and posted on the agency website at least 10 days prior to each monthly meeting.
The web version of the agenda includes links to the stipulations agreed to between the FPPC Enforcement Division and the individuals and organizations subject to the fines, or the default decisions proposed to the Commission. Exhibits in support of the stipulations and proposed default decisions are also available on the website. If you or need further assistance, please contact the FPPC communications office at (916) 322-7761 or press@fppc.ca.gov.
I. The following are enforcement decisions approved by the Fair Political Practices Commission at its regular monthly meeting held on Thursday, August 20, 2020. Decisions are listed by category and include a brief summary of each case and the total amount of any administrative fine in each case.
Campaign Related Communications at Public Expense
In the Matter of County of Los Angeles; FPPC Nos. 17/150 and 18/1258. Staff: Galena West, Enforcement Chief, Ruth Yang, Senior Commission Counsel and Paul Rasey, Special Investigator. The respondent was represented by Stephen J. Kaufman and Gary S. Winuk of the Kaufman Legal Group, APC and Louis R. Miller and Amnon Z. Siegel of Miller Barondess, LLP. The County of Los Angeles placed Measure H, a proposed countywide sales tax increase, on the March 7, 2017 Special Election ballot held throughout the County. Measure H received 69.34% of the vote, passing by approximately 2.68%. Measure H is projected to produce $3.55 billion in tax revenue over its 10-year term. The Enforcement Division then received an additional complaint alleging that the County of Los Angeles had used public funds to support Measure W for the November 6, 2018 election. The Enforcement Division opened two cases alleging that the County of Los Angeles’s activities qualified it as a committee, triggering the Act’s filing and disclosure requirements and failed to include advertisement disclosures, in violation of the Political Reform Act and the corresponding regulations. The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association filed a civil suit with similar allegations regarding the Measure H election. (See Howard Jarvis Taxpayers, et. al. vs. Los Angeles County, Superior Court Case No. BC714579 and Appellate Court Case No. 8302793.) All parties have agreed to resolve these matters with this joint settlement, which is in conjunction with the civil settlement of the above-referenced case and the conditions and requirements of that settlement. Fine: $1,350,000.
Controlled Committees
In the Matter of Friends of Highland and Adomitis, Martin, Solano for City Council 2016, Frank Adomitis, Jerry Martin, and Anaeli Solano; FPPC No. 16/19794. Staff: Jenna C. Rinehart, Commission Counsel and Lance Hachigian, Special Investigator. Frank Adomitis and Jerry Martin were unsuccessful candidates for Highland City Council in the November 8, 2016 General Election, and Anaeli Solano was a successful candidate in the same election. Adomitis, Martin, Solano for City Council 2016 (“AMS Committee”) was the joint candidate-controlled committee of Adomitis, Martin, and Solano. Frank Adomitis was the AMS Committee’s treasurer. Friends of Highland is a local general purpose committee also controlled by Adomitis and Martin. Frank Adomitis was the Committee’s treasurer. Friends of Highland, Adomitis, and Martin failed to identify Friends of Highland as a candidate-controlled committee, in violation of Government Code Sections 84102, subdivision(e), 85201, and Regulations 18402, subdivision (c) and 18521 (1 count). Additionally, the AMS Committee, Adomitis, Martin, and Solano paid for and sent a mass mailing supporting Adomitis, Martin, and Solano’s election which failed to display the required sender identification, in violation of Government Code Section 84305, subdivision (a) (1 count). Fine: $5,500.
Advertising and Campaign Late Filer
In the Matter of Friends of Acton-Agua Dulce Schools Yes on Measure “CK” Committee, Lee Jennings, and Christine Johnson; FPPC No. 18/1270. Staff: Ruth Yang, Senior Commission Counsel and Lance Hachigian, Special Investigator. Friends of Acton-Agua Dulce Schools Yes on Measure “CK” Committee is a primarily formed committee. Lee Jennings is the Committee’s treasurer and Christine Johnson is the Committee’s principal officer. The Committee, Jennings and Johnson failed to timely file 24-Hour Reports for six late contributions, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (1 count) and failed to include the necessary disclosures on one electronic media advertisement and seven print advertisements, in violation of Government Code Sections 84502, subdivision (a), 84504.2, and 84504.3, subdivision (c) (1 count). Fine: $5,000.
In the Matter of Friends of Kurt DeMeire; FPPC No. 18/1285. Staff: Ruth Yang, Senior Commission Counsel and Lance Hachigian, Special Investigator. Kurt DeMeire qualified as an independent expenditure committee that supported and opposed a number of candidates and ballot measures in the November 6, 2018 General Election. DeMeire failed to include the necessary disclosures on four print advertisements, in violation of Government Code Sections 84502, subdivision (b), 84504.2, subdivision (a), and 84506.5 (1 count) and failed to timely file a semiannual campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200, subdivision (b) (1 count). Fine: $3,000.
Campaign Late Filer and Campaign Bank Account
In the Matter of Baron P. Bruno for 62nd Assembly CA 2016 and Baron P. Bruno; FPPC No. 18/779. Staff: Christopher Burton, Senior Commission Counsel. This matter arose from an audit performed by the Franchise Tax Board’s Political Reform Audit Program. Baron P. Bruno was an unsuccessful candidate for State Assembly in the November 8, 2016 General Election. Baron P. Bruno for 62nd Assembly CA 2016 was his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Bruno failed to timely file two semiannual and two pre-election campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Sections 84200 and 84200.5 (1 count); failed to timely file eight 24-Hour Reports, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (1 count); and failed to pay expenditures out of the Committee’s designated bank account, in violation of Government Code Section 85201 (1 count). Fine: $6,500.
In the Matter of Vergne for LMUSD Trustee Area 3 2018 and Andrea Vergne; FPPC No. 18/867. Staff: Jenna C. Rinehart, Commission Counsel. Andrea Vergne was an unsuccessful candidate for Trustee of Area 3 for Lucia Mar Unified School District in the November 6, 2018 General Election. Vergne for LMUSD Trustee Area 3 2018 was her candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Vergne failed to deposit all campaign contributions to, and failed to make all campaign expenditures from, the designated campaign bank account, in violation of Government Code Section 85201, subdivisions (c), (d) and (e) (1 count). Fine: $2,000.
San Bernardino County Ordinance – Campaign Late Filer and Campaign Bank Account
In the Matter of Elect Angela Valles for 1st District Supervisor 2016 and Angela Valles; FPPC No. 16/17170. Staff: Christopher Burton, Senior Commission Counsel. This matter arose from an audit performed by the Franchise Tax Board’s Political Reform Audit Program. Angela Valles was a successful candidate for San Bernardino County Supervisor in the June 7, 2016 Primary and November 8, 2016 General Elections. Elect Angela Valles for 1st District Supervisor 2016 was her candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Valles failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement in electronic format, in violation of Government Code Sections 84200.5, subdivision (a), and 84200.8, subdivision (b), and San Bernardino County Ordinance No. 4226, Section 12.4311 (1 count); and failed to timely file four 24-Hour Reports, in violation of Government Code Sections 84203 and 84203.3, and San Bernardino County Ordinance No. 4226, Section 12.4311 (1 count). Additionally, the Committee and Valles failed to pay expenditures from and failed to deposit contributions to the designated campaign bank account, in violation of Government Code Section 85201, subdivisions (c), (d), and (e) (1 count). Fine: $5,000.
Campaign Late Filer
In the Matter of the Upland Teachers Association Fund for Quality Education, Greg Lander, and John McNally; FPPC No. 16/125. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton, Commission Counsel and Roone Petersen, Special Investigator. Upland Teachers Association Fund for Quality Education is a local general purpose committee that was active during the 2016 and 2018 elections. Greg Lander served as the Committee’s treasurer from January 2012 through September 2016 and John McNally served as treasurer from September 2016 to present. The Committee, Lander, and McNally failed to timely file semiannual campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (1 count); failed to timely file pre-election campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5. (2 counts); and failed to timely file 24-Hour Reports, in violation of Government Code Sections 84203, 84203.3, and 84204 (3 counts). Fine: $11,000.
In the Matter of Karla Jurvetson; FPPC No. 18/1562. Staff: Ruth Yang, Senior Commission Counsel and Marshall Miller, Special Investigator. The respondent was represented by Beverly Grossman Palmer of Strumwasser & Woocher LLP. Karla Jurvetson qualified as a major donor committee after making contributions to a California primarily formed committee. Jurvetson failed to timely file two 24-Hour Reports in 2018, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (1 count). Fine: $3,000.
Statement of Economic Interests Late Reporter
In the Matter of LeeAnn Wallette Schierburg; FPPC No. 16/586. Staff: Angela Brereton, Assistant Chief Counsel and Ann Flaherty, Special Investigator. LeeAnn Wallette Schierburg, Director of Health Information Management at Alameda Health System, a local government agency, failed to fully disclose sources of income on her 2015 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Sections 87207 and 87300 (1 count). Fine: $2,000.
II. The following are enforcement decisions approved through the streamline penalty process and were executed by the Chief of Enforcement per Regulation 18360.2 following the August 20, 2020 meeting. Decisions are listed by category and include a brief summary of each case and the total amount of any administrative fine in each case.
In the Matter of Placer Charter Advocates for Great Public Schools, Sponsored by CA Charter School Association Advocates and Shawnda Deane; FPPC No. 20/407. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Tara Stock, Intake Manager. The respondents were represented by KC Jenkins of Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP. Placer Charter Advocates for Great Public Schools, Sponsored by CA Charter School Association Advocates is a state general purpose committee. Shawnda Deane is the Committee’s Treasurer. The Committee and Deane failed to include the proper disclosures on two mailers distributed prior to the November 6, 2018 General Election, in violation of Government Code Sections 84504.2 and 84506.5 (3 counts). Fine: $456.
In the Matter of No on Measure PV – Citizens for Responsible Education Spending and Jennifer Jordan; FPPC No. 20/236. Staff: Christopher Burton, Senior Commission Counsel and Lance Hachigian, Special Investigator. No on Measure PV – Citizens for Responsible Education Spending is a committee primarily formed to oppose Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Measure PV, a bond measure that appeared on the March 3, 2020 Primary Election ballot. Jennifer Jordan is the Committee’s principal officer. The Committee and Jordan paid for four different advertisements that failed to include the proper disclosures thereon, in violation of Government Code Sections 84502, 84504.2, and 84504.3 (4 counts). Fine: $420.
Campaign Late Filer
In the Matter of Meta Housing Corporation; FPPC No. 19/1784. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. Meta Housing Corporation, a major donor committee for the 2018 calendar year, failed to timely file two 24-Hour Reports, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (2 counts). Fine: $2,740.
In the Matter of Anthem United Homes, Inc. & Affiliated Entities; FPPC No. 19/1786. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. Anthem United Homes, Inc. & Affiliated Entities, a major donor committee for the 2018 calendar year, failed to timely file four 24-Hour Reports, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (4 counts). Fine: $1,310.
In the Matter of Mariana G. Martinez for SRJC Trustee 2016 and Mariana Garcia Martinez; FPPC No. 19/1294. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Dominika Wojenska, Associate Governmental Program Analyst. Mariana G. Martinez was a successful candidate for Sonoma County Junior College District – Santa Rosa Area Board in the November 8, 2016 General Election. Mariana G. Martinez for SRJC Trustee 2016 is her candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Martinez failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count) and failed to timely file four semiannual campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (4 counts). Fine: $1,242.
In the Matter of Friends of Durie Foster, Jr. for Pittsburg City Council 2018 and Durie Foster, Jr.; FPPC No. 18/1365. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Tara Stock, Intake Manager. Durie Foster, Jr. was an unsuccessful candidate for Pittsburg City Council in the November 6, 2018 General Election. Friends of Durie Foster, Jr. for Pittsburg City Council 2018 was his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Foster failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count); failed to file a 24-Hour Report, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (1 count); and failed to timely file a Statement of Organization, in violation of Government Code Section 84101 (1 count). Proposed Penalty: $652.
In the Matter of Committee to Re-Elect Larry Sweeney to School Board 2018 and Larry Sweeney; FPPC No. 19/858. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Dominika Wojenska, Associate Governmental Program Analyst. Larry Sweeney was a successful candidate for Fremont Unified School District Board in the November 6, 2018 General Election. Committee to Re-Elect Larry Sweeney to School Board 2018 is his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Sweeney failed to timely file two semiannual campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (2 counts). Fine: $451.
In the Matter of Espinoza for Supervisor 2018 and Rose Espinoza; FPPC No. 19/909. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. Rose Espinoza was an unsuccessful candidate for Orange County Board of Supervisors in the June 5, 2018 Primary Election. Espinoza for Supervisor 2018 was her candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Espinoza failed to timely file two semiannual campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (2 counts). Fine: $420.
In the Matter of Committee to Re-Elect Mayor Ricky Samayoa 2016 and Ricky Samayoa; FPPC No. 20/012. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Dominika Wojenska, Associate Governmental Program Analyst. Ricky Samayoa was a successful incumbent candidate for Mayor of Marysville in the November 8, 2016 General Election. Committee to Re-Elect Mayor Ricky Samayoa 2016 is his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Samayoa failed to timely file two semiannual campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (2 counts). Fine: $401.
In the Matter of Committee to Support Yes on W for Oakley Students and Vera Gonzales; FPPC No. 19/547. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. Committee to Support Yes on W for Oakley Students was a local primarily formed ballot measure committee. Vera Gonzales was the Committee’s treasurer. The Committee and Gonzales failed to timely file a semiannual campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (1 count). Fine: $267.
In the Matter of Judge Mike Cummins for Superior Court Judge 2020, Mike Cummins, and Andrew Martelle; FPPC No. 20/164. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. Mike Cummins was an unsuccessful candidate for Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election. Judge Mike Cummins for Superior Court Judge 2020 was his candidate-controlled committee. Andrew Martelle was the Committee’s treasurer. The Committee, Cummins, and Martelle failed to timely file a 24-Hour Report, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (1 count). Fine: $260.
In the Matter of Committee to Elect Jason Capell to the Altadena Library District Board of Trustees and Jason D. Capell; FPPC No. 18/962. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Dominika Wojenska, Associate Governmental Program Analyst. Jason D. Capell was a successful candidate for Altadena Library District Board of Trustees in the November 6, 2018 General Election. Committee to Elect Jason Capell to the Altadena Library District Board of Trustees is his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Capell failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count). Fine: $231.
In the Matter of Magaña for SJUSD Area 2 2018, José Magaña, and Tyler Smith; FPPC No. 20/506. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Tara Stock, Intake Manager. José Magaña was a successful candidate for San Jose Unified Board of Education in the November 6, 2018 General Election. Magaña for SJUSD Area 2 2018 is his candidate-controlled committee. Tyler Smith is the Committee’s treasurer. The Committee, Magaña, and Smith failed to timely file a semiannual campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (1 count). Fine: $200.
Statement of Economic Interests Late Filer
In the Matter of Bari Williams; FPPC No. 19/1097. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. Bari Williams, a Board Member for the California African American Museum, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $400.
In the Matter of Brianne Hickey; FPPC No. 19/635. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Brianne Hickey, a Social Worker III for the Health and Human Services Agency of Social Services, failed to timely file a 2017 and 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (2 counts). Fine: $400.
In the Matter of Juan Benitez; FPPC No. 19/1215. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Juan Benitez, a Principal Grounds Maintenance Supervisor II for the Department of Recreation and Parks, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Saema Rahmany; FPPC No. 19/825. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Kimberly Rawnsley, Staff Services Analyst. Saema Rahmany, a Clinical Psychologist for California Correctional Health Care Services, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Richard McAndrew; FPPC No. 19/104. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Richard McAndrew, a Board Member for Darnall Charter School, failed to timely file a 2017 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Kathy Goddard; FPPC No. 18/1498. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Kathy Goddard, a Board Member for Cuyamaca Community Sponsor Group, failed to timely file a 2017 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Joshua Sailer; FPPC No. 19/1389. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Kimberly Rawnsley, Staff Services Analyst. Joshua Sailer, a Planning Commissioner for the City of Coalinga, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87203 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Joel Sims; FPPC No. 19/231. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Joel Sims, the Consultant-Project Oversight with San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), failed to timely file a 2017 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Torry Brean; FPPC No. 19/1256. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Torry Brean, a Board Member for the Ramona Community Planning Group, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Mulki Hersi; FPPC No. 19/938. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Mulki Hersi, a Board Member for the Iftin Charter School Board of Directors, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Debra McKenzie; FPPC No. 19/1263. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Debra McKenzie, a Planning Commissioner for the City of Fresno, failed to timely file a 2017 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87203 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Michael Peroni; FPPC No. 19/755. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Michael Peroni, a Consultant for the City of Moreno Valley, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of George Fink; FPPC No. 19/1606. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Amber Burnside, Staff Services Analyst. George Fink, an Alternate Board Member for the Employment Risk Management Authority, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Timothy Parker; FPPC No. 20/284. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Shaina Elkin, Staff Services Analyst. Timothy Parker, as a Board Member for Monte Rio Fire Protection District, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Bobby Jones; FPPC No. 19/1450. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Shaina Elkin, Staff Services Analyst. Bobby Jones, an Alternate Board Member for the California Strawberry Commission, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Jennifer Wiltermood; FPPC No. 20/293. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Shaina Elkin, Staff Services Analyst. Jennifer Wiltermood, a Board Member for Rohnert Park School District, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Faith Kroeger; FPPC No. 19/1108. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Kimberly Rawnsley, Staff Services Analyst. Faith Kroeger, an Executive Board Alternate for the California Educational Computer Consortium, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Kurt Yoshii; FPPC No. 19/737. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Kurt Yoshii, a Consultant with the City of Moreno Valley, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Rahmo Abdi; FPPC No. 19/939. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Rahmo Abdi, a Board Member for the Iftin Charter School District Board of Trustees, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Gary Black; FPPC No. 19/1494. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Amber Burnside, Staff Services Analyst. Gary Black, a Governing Board Member for Scotts Valley Unified School District, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Stephanie Merrida-Grant; FPPC No. 20/307. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Shaina Elkin, Staff Services Analyst. Stephanie Merrida-Grant, a Trustee for Bellevue Union School District, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of David Teeter; FPPC No. 19/1448. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Shaina Elkin, Staff Services Analyst. David Teeter, an Alternate Board Member for Golden State Finance Authority, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
Statement of Economic Interests Late Reporter
In the Matter of Donald Bransford; FPPC No. 16/16814. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton, Commission Counsel and Paul Rasey, Special Investigator. Donald Bransford, as a member of the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District, failed to timely report ten economic interests on his 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Annual Statements of Economic Interest, in violation of Government Code Sections 87203, 87206, and 87207 (10 counts). Fine: $1,000.
Campaign Contribution Limits
In the Matter of Mike Gatto for Senate 2016, Mike Gatto, and Jane Leiderman; FPPC No. 18/149. Staff: Theresa Gilbertson, Commission Counsel. This matter arose from an audit performed by the Franchise Tax Board’s Political Reform Audit Program. Mike Gatto served as a member of the State Assembly District 43, from 2010 – 2016 and withdrew from the June 7, 2016 Primary Election as a candidate for State Assembly District 25. Mike Gatto for Senate 2016 was his candidate-controlled committee. Jane Leiderman was the Committee’s treasurer. The Committee, Gatto, and Leiderman accepted contributions that exceeded the campaign contribution limit for State Senate candidates, in violation of Government Code Section 85301 (1 count). Fine: $2,500.
Mass Mailing
In the Matter of Megan Dahle for Assembly 2020, and Megan Dahle; FPPC No. 20/323. Staff: Christopher Burton, Senior Commission Counsel. Megan Dahle was a successful incumbent candidate for State Assembly in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election. Megan Dahle for Assembly 2020 is her candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Dahle failed to include the accurate name of the committee on a mass mailing, in violation of Government Code Section 84305 (1 count). Fine: $2,500.
Campaign Late Filer/Reporter
In the Matter of West Covina Firefighters Political Action Committee, Michelle Moore Sanders, and Hardy Mosley; FPPC No. 19/1379. Staff: Christopher Burton, Senior Commission Counsel and Lance Hachigian, Special Investigator. West Covina Firefighters Political Action Committee is a local general purpose committee that was active prior to the November 6, 2018 General Election. Michelle Moore Sanders is the Committee’s principal officer and Hardy Mosley is the Committee’s treasurer. The Committee, Sanders, and Mosley failed to timely report independent expenditures on a pre-election and semiannual campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84211, subdivisions (b), (i), (j), and (k) (1 count); and failed to timely file eight 24-Hour Reports, in violation of Government Code Section 84204 (1 count). Fine: $5,500.
In the Matter of Metropolitan Pacific Capital, Inc. (Plaza at Santa Monica); FPPC No. 17/1453. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton, Commission Counsel. The respondent was represented by the Kaufman Legal Group. In 2016, Plaza at Santa Monica qualified as a major donor committee after making several contributions to Santa Monica Forward Issues Committee - No on LV. Plaza at Santa Monica failed to timely file a semiannual campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (1 count) and failed to timely file a 24-Hour Report, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (1 count). Fine: $3,000.
In the Matter of California Tow Truck Association PAC and Vickie Young; FPPC No. 19/1510. Staff: Jenna C. Rinehart, Commission Counsel. This matter arose from an audit performed by the Franchise Tax Board’s Political Reform Audit Program. California Tow Truck Association PAC is a state general purpose committee. Vickie Young was the Committee’s treasurer at the time this violation occurred. Prior to the June 7, 2016 Primary Election, the Committee and Young failed to timely file a 24-Hour Report, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (1 count). Fine: $2,000.
Gift Over-the-Limit
In the Matter of Josie Cervantes; FPPC No. 16/478. Staff: Michael W. Hamilton, Commission Counsel and George Aradi, Special Investigator. Josie Cervantes is a member of the Orange Cove City Council. Cervantes accepted Raiders tickets from Townsend Public Affairs that exceeded the gift limit, in violation of Government Code Section 89503 (1 count). Fine: $3,000.
II. The following are enforcement decisions approved through the streamline penalty process and were executed by the Chief of Enforcement per Regulation 18360.2 following the July 24, 2020 meeting. Decisions are listed by category and include a brief summary of each case and the total amount of any administrative fine in each case.
In the Matter of Santa Cruz County Republican Central Committee (State); FPPC No. 20/360. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. Santa Cruz County Republican Central Committee (State) is a state general purpose political party committee. The Committee failed to include the proper advertising disclosure on a mailer distributed prior to the March 3, 2020 Primary Election, in violation of Government Code Sections 84504.5 and 84506.5 (2 counts). Fine: $252.
Campaign Late Filer
In the Matter of Citizens for Cliff Blackman for Superior Court Judge 2020 and Cliff Blackman; FPPC No. 20/348. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. The respondents were represented by Gary Winuk of the Kaufman Legal Group. Cliff Blackman was an unsuccessful candidate for Superior Court Judge in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election. Citizens for Cliff Blackman for Superior Court Judge 2020 was his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Blackman failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count) and failed to timely file five 24-Hour Reports, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (5 counts). Fine: $1,808.
In the Matter of Sacramento County Young Democrats, Chris Gee Schoon-Tong, and Marie Swenson; FPPC No. 18/750. Staff: Neal Bucknell, Senior Commission Counsel. Sacramento County Young Democrats is a local general purpose committee. Chris Gee Schoon-Tong and Marie Swenson are the Committee’s former treasurers. The Committee and Schoon-Tong failed to timely file two semiannual and three pre-election campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Sections 84200 and 84200.5 (5 counts). Additionally, the committee and Swenson failed to timely file one semiannual campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (1 count). Fine: $1,716.
In the Matter of Ron Briggs for Supervisor 2020 and Ron Briggs; FPPC No. 20/167. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. Ron Briggs was an unsuccessful candidate for El Dorado County Supervisor in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election. Ron Briggs for Supervisor 2020 was his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Briggs failed to timely file two pre-election campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (2 counts). Fine: $630.
In the Matter of Re-elect Ron Panziera for Monterey County Board of Education Trustee District 5 2011, Ron Panziera, and Chris Steinbruner; FPPC No. 18/634. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Chloe Hackert, Political Reform Consultant. Ron Panziera was a successful candidate for Trustee of Monterey County Board of Education in the November 8, 2011 General Election. Re-elect Ron Panziera for Monterey County Board of Education Trustee District 5 2011 was his candidate-controlled committee. Chris Steinbruner was the Committee’s treasurer. The Committee, Panziera, and Steinbruner failed to timely file three semiannual campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (3 counts). Fine: $600.
In the Matter of Re-elect Erik Ortega as IID Director Division 4 2020 and Erik Ortega; FPPC No. 20/112. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Erik Ortega was a successful candidate for Imperial Irrigation District Director in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election. Re-elect Erik Ortega as IID Director Division 4 2020 is his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Ortega failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count). Fine: $500.
In the Matter of Danny Garza for City Council District 5 2018 and Daniel Garza; FPPC No. 18/404. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Chloe Hackert, Political Reform Consultant. Daniel Garza was an unsuccessful candidate for San Jose City Council in the June 5, 2018 Primary Election. Danny Garza for City Council District 5 2018 was his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Garza failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count). Fine: $302.
In the Matter of Greg Pitts for Compton Unified Board of Trustees 2020 and Gregory Pitts; FPPC No. 20/140. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Dominika Wojenska, Associate Governmental Program Analyst. Gregory Pitts was an unsuccessful candidate for Compton Unified School District Board in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election. Greg Pitts for Compton Unified Board of Trustees 2020 is his candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Pitts failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count). Fine: $211.
In the Matter of Mike Graves for State Assembly 2020, Michael Graves, and Paula Block; FPPC No. 20/141. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Chloe Hackert, Political Reform Consultant. Mike Graves was a successful candidate for Member of the State Assembly in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election. Mike Graves for State Assembly 2020 is his candidate-controlled committee. Paula Block is the Committee’s treasurer. The Committee, Graves, and Block failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count). Fine: $207.
In the Matter of Nadia Renner for Board of Supervisors 2020, Nadia Renner, and Yila Renner; FPPC No. 20/109. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Chloe Hackert, Political Reform Consultant. Nadia Renner was an unsuccessful candidate for San Bernardino County Supervisor in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election. Nadia Renner for Board of Supervisors 2020 was her candidate-controlled committee. Yila Renner was the Committee’s treasurer. The Committee, Renner, and Renner failed to timely file a pre-election campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Charlene Tabet; FPPC No. 19/1328. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. Charlene Tabet, a Board Member with Burbank Unified School District, failed to timely file an Officeholder Campaign Statement Short Form (Form 470) for 2019, in violation of Government Code Section 84206 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Clarios; FPPC No. 20/468. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Chloe Hackert, Political Reform Consultant. Clarios, a lobbyist employer, failed to timely file a lobbyist employer quarterly report, in violation of Government Code Section 86117 (1 count). Fine: $275.
Statement of Economic Interests Late Filer
In the Matter of Alberto Ochoa; FPPC No. 19/1240. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Amber Burnside, Staff Services Analyst. Albert Ochoa, a Board Member for the e3 Civic High School Board of Directors, failed to timely file a 2017 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Tracy Robinson; FPPC No. 19/1605. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Amber Burnside, Staff Services Analyst. Tracy Robinson, an Alternate Board Member for the Employment Risk Management Authority, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Kevin Mitchell; FPPC No. 19/927. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Kevin Mitchell, a Board Member of North Lake Tahoe Resort Association, failed to timely file an Assuming Office Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Jeffrey Conklin; FPPC No. 19/926. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Cheng Saetern, Assistant Political Reform Consultant. Jeffrey Conklin, a Board Member of Eureka Union School District Board of Trustees, failed to timely file an Assuming Office Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Timothy Parker; FPPC No. 20/284. Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Shaina Elkin, Staff Services Analyst. Timothy Parker, a former Board Member for Monte Rio Fire Protection District, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Ismael Herrera; FPPC No. 19/1412. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Amber Burnside, Staff Services Analyst. Ismael Herrera, a Member of the Kerman City Council, failed to timely file an Assuming Office Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87202 (1 count). Fine: $200.
In the Matter of Curtis Hill; FPPC No. 19/1545. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Amber Burnside, Staff Services Analyst. Curtis Hill, a former Board Member for the California Victim Compensation Board, failed to timely file a 2018 Annual Statement of Economic Interests, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (1 count). Fine: $200.
Statement of Economic Interests Late Reporter
In the Matter of Scott Schmerelson; FPPC No. 20/215. Staff: Galena West, Chief of Enforcement and Ginny Lambing, Political Reform Consultant. The respondent was represented by Nathan Hardy of Reed & Davidson, LLP. Scott Schmerelson, as a candidate for Board Member of the Los Angeles Unified School District, failed to timely report four sources of income on his Candidate Statement of Economic Interests in connection with the March 3, 2020 Primary Election, in violation of Government Code Section 87300 (4 counts). Fine: $400.