Brea Olinda Unified School District School Facilities Improvement Measure 2016 in Support of Measure K, David Hale, and Gail Lyons


Fine: $4,500

FPPC No. 16/19873

Brea Olinda Unified School District School Facilities Improvement Measure 2016 in Support of Measure K was a local primarily formed committee in support of Measure K, which appeared on the ballot in the November 8, 2016 General Election. David Hale was the Committee’s treasurer and Gail Lyons was the Committee’s principal officer. The Committee, Hale, and Lyons failed to include the Committee’s information in its disclosure statement on four separate mass mailings, in violation of Government Code Section 84305 and Regulation 18402 (1 count), and failed to include the Committee’s information in its disclosure statement on doorhangers, which also did not meet size requirements, in violation of Government Code Section 84504, Regulations 18450.4 and 18402 (1 count). Additionally, the Committee, Hale, and Lyons failed to include a disclosure statement in its robocalls, in violation of Government Code Section 84504 and Regulation 18450.4 (1 count).

Supporting Documents

How to File a Complaint

Anyone who suspects a violation of the Act should file a sworn complaint with the Enforcement Division.