San Franciscans for a Livable City, Led by Native Son Tom A. Hsieh, Opposing 13 Candidates for SFDCCC, Proudly Supported by SF Association of Realtors and its Small Business Owner Members and Tom Hsieh

Campaign Bank Account

Fine: $3,500

FPPC No. 16/16795

Tom Hsieh was a successful candidate for San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee in the June 7, 2016 Primary Election. San Franciscans for a Livable City, Led by Native Son Tom A. Hsieh, Opposing 13 candidates for SFDCCC, Proudly Supported by SF Association of Realtors and its Small Business Owner Members was a local primarily formed committee controlled by Hsieh, and Tom Hsieh for San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee 2016 was Hsieh’s candidate-controlled committee. The Committee and Hsieh failed to use one designated campaign bank account for both committees, in violation of Government Code Section 85201 (1 count).

Supporting Documents